Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Plan your day!

It is always the choice of a smart person to try being productive with stable and easy life, rather than trying to be productive but with the outcome of stress and unhappiness.

So here's a simple tip to make your life easier. Try to spend just a few minutes (better in the morning before you start working on anything) to plan what you want to do, or think about the tasks that you can complete on one particular day. Make sure the tasks you listed are realistic and reasonable: don't overdo yourself.

It is better if you classify the tasks according to their priority, like putting them into subheadings of "primary", "secondary" or "additional". You can also write down how much time you need to complete each task and check your schedule on that day for compatibility. For example, if there are too many lectures, appointments or any other events, you may have to reduce the number or amount of tasks you plan to do. The main point here is to OPTIMIZE your life between how much time you have and the amount of work you can do within that timeframe. Plan properly and make sure it suits your own capabilities and limitations.

Write all of this list of tasks on a piece of paper and put it at a place where you can easily notice it, like pinning it to a softboard, paste it on your table etc. Try to do this everyday and insya Allah you are going to be a very productive and efficient person (in terms of completing tasks).

Now, you have a mission to complete on that day. Every time you completed a task, tick it down and say alhamdulillah. Try to follow the plan with patience and discipline until "mission is accomplished".

InsyaAllah with this way, no matter how busy that day is going to be, you are likely to be less stressful. Infact you might even feel calm and relaxed, because you realize that there is a high potential that you can achieve something significant on that day, as long as you follow the plan you've made earlier (provided that nothing unintended gets in the way, but something like that is not your fault and please do not feel bad about it).

Once you have completed all the tasks, don't forget to reward yourself by seeking some entertainment -make sure it is halal- like playing sports, chess, going out for window shopping or any other as such. Choosing to spend the rest of the day with ibadah or any other amal saalih is a better choice, but if you don't feel like doing it, it is okay to just relax and do other fun things. Even the Prophet corrected the intention of some sahabah who wants to perform ibadah all night long without sleeping. Our bodies and our families have their rights too. Try to have a balanced life.

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